
Showing posts from June, 2020

Blood Type To Higher Disease Risk From Covid-19

Health Related News 1.Genetic analysis Covid-19 blood type to higher disease risk; O may help, A hurt A genetic analysis of Covid-19 patients suggests that blood type might influence whether someone develops severe disease. Scientists who compared the genes of thousands of patients in Europe found that those who had type a blood were more likely to have severe disease while those with type O were less likely. Wednesday’s report in the New England Journal of Medicine does not prove a blood type connection, but it does confirm a previous report from China of such a link. “Most of us discounted it because it was a very crude study,” Dr. Parameswar Hari,  a blood specialist at the Medical College of Wisconsin, said of the report from China. With the new work, “now I believe it,” he said. “It could be very important.” 1. The World Health Organization recently increased the spreading risk of Corona Virus from medium to high. With the virus spreading to different parts   of the world like Jap

Face Beauty Tips And Tricks

Face Beauty Tips.     S.NO Yoga Asanas 1. Bhujangasana 2. Ustrasana 3. Matsyasana 4. Halasana 5. Sarvangasana 6. Trikonasana 7. Pavanamuktasana 8. Tadasana Summary Doing DAILY Yoga benefits both body and mind. If you practice daily yoga, you benefit greatly. The disease that you have is gone, after that you will be more young throughout your life i.e. young. At least, youthful, vibrant and beautiful, look beautiful. So if you want to look young and beautiful yourself, then today we are telling you about 8 yoga asanas, by doing these deli you will always look young and your skin will be blossoming and you will look beautiful. By doing these yoga asanas, blood circulation improves and faster, which are necessary for our healthy glowing looking skin. So if you want your skin to grow, then st