Difference between covid-19 symptoms and seasonal allergy symptoms

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1.Difference between covid-19 symptoms and seasonal allergy symptoms

The general public is often misunderstanding and confusing the symptoms for COVID-19 and general allergies.“Due to the ongoing pandemic, symptoms such as cold, fever, body ache are immediately associated with the coronavirus infection. With the changing weather, common cold, seasonal allergies, vector-borne and other infectious diseases are on the rise. It is imperative to understand the distinguishing symptoms so that we can keep fear and anxiety at bay.” says Mumbai based Dr. Samir Bhargava, President of Association of Otolaryngologists of India (AOI).

The theme for World Allergy Week, starting June 28 to July 4, is ‘Allergy care does not stop with COVID-19’. The World Allergy Organization (WAO) is addressing the people about how to better understand and distinguish between the symptoms of COVID-19 and common allergies.

Common allergy symptoms such as coughing, and a sore throat are characteristic of the coronavirus, but the following information can prevent you from coming to a hasty conclusion. When in doubt, the best thing to do is to contact your doctors without delay.

 1.Destruction of ecosystems from deforestation increases the risk of pandemics

Environmental degradation, including deforestation, land use change and agricultural intensification, may make pandemics more likely and less manageable, according to a study.

The study, published in the journal Environmental Science and Policy, presents the hypothesis that disease risks are “ultimately interlinked” with biodiversity and natural processes such as the water cycle.

The researchers at the University of the West of England, and the University of Exeter in the UK used a framework designed to analyse and communicate complex relationships between society and the environment.

They conclude that maintaining intact and fully functioning ecosystems and their associated environmental and health benefits is key to preventing the emergence of new pandemics.


2.New eye drops may prevent vision loss after retinal vein occlusion that blinds millions worldwide

A team of researchers has now developed eye drops that could prevent vision loss after retinal vein occlusion, a major cause of blindness for millions of adults worldwide.

A study, in mice, suggests that the experimental therapy, which targets a common cause of neurodegeneration and vascular leakage in the eye, could have broader therapeutic effects than existing drugs.

The study was published in Nature Communications.

Retinal vein occlusion occurs when a major vein that drains blood from the retina is blocked, usually due to a blood clot. As a result, blood and other fluids leak into the retina, damaging specialized light-sensing neurons called photoreceptors.

Standard treatment for the condition currently relies on drugs that reduce fluid leakage from blood vessels and abnormal blood vessel growth. But there are significant drawbacks. These therapies require repeated injections directly into the eye, and for the patients who brave this daunting prospect, the treatment ultimately fails to prevent vision loss in the majority of cases.

The new treatment targets an enzyme called caspase-9, says Carol M. Troy, MD, PhD, professor of pathology & cell biology and of neurology in the Taub Institute for Research on Alzheimer’s Disease and the Aging Brain at Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, who led the studies.

Under normal conditions, caspase-9 is believed to be primarily involved in programmed cell death, a tightly regulated mechanism for naturally eliminating damaged or excess cells.

However, in studies of mice, the Troy lab discovered that when blood vessels are injured by retinal vein occlusion, the caspase-9 becomes uncontrollably activated, triggering processes that can damage the retina.

The Troy lab found that a highly selective caspase-9 inhibitor, delivered in the form of eye drops, improved a variety of clinical measures of retinal function in a mouse model of the condition. Most importantly, the treatment reduced swelling, improved blood flow, and decreased neuronal damage in the retina.

“We believe these eye drops may offer several advantages over existing therapies. Patients could administer the drug themselves and wouldn’t have to get a series of injections. Also, our eye drops target a different pathway of retinal injury and thus may help patients who do not respond to the current therapy,” said Troy.


3.The real superfood: Amla, an essential ingredient to stay healthy during monsoons

Amla or the Indian gooseberry is a fruit which is popular for its many health benefits. The fruit is extremely rich in Vitamin C, iron and calcium. Amla is a superfood which is inexpensive. It grows all across our country and must be included in your daily diets. A lot of foods today are categorised as superfoods that are sold at extremely high prices in the market. However, unlike these, amla is inexpensive, and comes with a myriad of health benefits. Amla is in season this time of the year. The beauty of this fruit is that it can be consumed as a murabba, in the form of juice, in the form of amla powder, chutneys or pickles.


Why you must include amla in your daily diet ?

 1. It gives a boost to your immunity: Vitamin C rich amla can give a boost to your immunity. Vitamin C is important for children, adults, and the elderly.

 2. It is good for your heart health: Content of Vitamin C in amla is great for your heart health. It strengthens and thickens arteries in your heart. This is especially important for people who have high levels of bad cholesterol.


 3. Amla is good for skin and hair: Health skin and hair is vastly dependent on your intake of Vitamin C. Vitamin C helps collagen perform in the right way, thus improving your skin quality and making it tighter. Amla gives you the glowing skin you have always aspired for. You can mix amla powder with yoghurt and apply it as a face mask.

 For hair, you can mix amla powder with water of coconut oil or sesame oil and massage it deep into your scalp. It can help in getting rid of dandruff, dry skin on your scalp, and improve your hair quality.

 4. It reduces inflammation: Free radicals in the body can damage heart, skin and even hampers our immunity. This is because free radicals cause inflammation, which is basically the root causes of a majority of diseases. Antioxidants in amla help in neutralising free radicals and reduce inflammation in the body.


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